
PVO (Parent Volunteer Organization) is the best way to get involved in your child’s education and also experience the amazing community that is RHLS.  We meet the first Wednesday of the month at 8:30 a.m.  At this meeting a board of parents helps to plan student enrichment, community service, fundraising and so much more.  These activities are to support the staff and further the child’s experience while at RHLS.  There are too many events to list but just a few are Harvest Festival, Grandparent’s Day, Operation Christmas Child, Mom’s Hot Lunch, and the Spring Gala,  All parents are automatically a member of the PVO and are highly encouraged to attend meetings.  There are many ways to volunteer your time and you might even make a few friends.  If you would like to get involved or have questions email us at pvo@rivierahall.org
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Our inquiry-based program reflects the latest research on how to engage students...

Service In Christ

To us, service learning means more than "community service"...


It means possessing the earned confidence, intellectual prowess, and mature judgment to...