
Teacher: Mrs. Carina Sullivan              Aide: Ms. Nicole Figueroa

Kindergarten at RHLS is a full-day program that provides an environment where we learn through academics and play. We want every student to have a successful academic experience as well as learn the basic skills of socialization. This includes learning to share, interact with others during play, and conflict resolution skills. Our daily routine provides many opportunities for our students to strengthen all of these areas through both directed and free play.

We start every morning with Bible stories from the Old and New Testament. Every month the students learn a new Bible verse and they get up in front of the class to recite it. Most of all, we want our students to know the love that God has for them. There is no better way to start our day each morning!

In language arts, we start with a review of phonics while introducing sight words so that we can begin reading. Our curriculum also provides vocabulary development, comprehension skills, and grammar based on both fiction and non-fiction, age-appropriate books. We begin writing the first week of school with both journaling and letter formation instruction. Halfway through the year, the students are creating their own stories!

In Mathematics, the students develop the necessary vocabulary needed to respond to and solve mathematical problems. They learn to pattern and sort using manipulatives for hands-on learning. They are taught to identify plane and solid figures, write and sequence their numbers to one hundred, estimate, utilize and read graphs, recognize coins and name their values, and tell time to the hour and half hour.

In Science, students learn all about the Earth and its inhabitants. Students will be able to identify the parts of different plants and animals. They will gain knowledge about different animal habitats and where they are located. Our curriculum covers both life and earth sciences including volcanos, dinosaurs, rocks and minerals, magnets, and many other topics. Students learn to use their five senses to explore, observe, and experiment with different objects. We have a class garden where we learn to grow and harvest different foods.

In History and Social Studies, students learn about how people lived and worked in the past in comparison to today. They gain knowledge about different people who are honored in history and in commemorative holidays (i.e. Martin Luther King, Columbus, George Washington, etc.) and develop an understanding of their contribution to society. Students learn about and observe the people in their own community and the important jobs that they do, as well as their own contributions to society. They learn all about our country, the national symbols and what they represent.

The most important part of Kindergarten is all the fun we have while learning, playing, and making friendships that last through the years. We want every child to love their first year of school and our hope is to provide a warm, nurturing environment for students to explore and learn.

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