2025-2026 Enrollment Process


2025-2026 Application and Enrollment Process

RHLS Application Process:

  1. Complete the online inquiry form.
  2. Applications are due by January 28th.  Applications received after that date will go into a second pool.
  3. Schedule a tour with our principal.
  4. The school will contact you to schedule an assessment with the teacher.  Assessments are an opportunity for our teachers to test the readiness of the potential student.

RHLS Enrollment Process:

  1. Upon acceptance, you will be asked to pay a non-refundable enrollment fee and registration fee in order to secure your child's spot.  The enrollment fee is applied to the student’s total tuition.
  2. An email will be sent to you with important dates, information, link to complete your online enrollment on Gradelink and link to activate your Smart Tuition account to pay tuition.

Tuition and fees chart 2024-2025


Application & School Tours

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